Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lose my number, rap music

Some confessions:

- There is no rap music in my iTune's top 20 most played songs.

- I am referring to it as "rap music."

- I did not read Decoded yet.

- I cannot name all of Niki Minaj's multiple personalities.

Truth is, rap has given me musical blue balls like you couldn't imagine. I'm tired of the chasing, the teasing, the disappointment. I haven't given up forever, but... I guess we are taking a break.

In the meantime, this is what I am listening to these days:


Friday, December 10, 2010

Am I making this up?

While I don't care for his bravado, I like Kanye's outbursts, his inappropriateness, the unflinching commitment to self (and secret self loathing). I am also thankful for the 808's album, which helped me through a messy time when an "It's Complicated" got even moreso (they say autotune is the whale song of a broken heart).

So although I wouldn't consider myself a Kanye hater, somewhere during the "Late Registration" years my interest began to wane. I'm actually certain I was in the middle of a ferocious air trumpet solo during "Touch the Sky" when it dawned on me that Kanye had no role in the greatness of that song. That is, no role beyond dusting off a Curtis Mayfield record and arranging it around a handsome bass beat.

We could debate the skill level needed to unearth and revive old records, for making old shit new and cool, the alchemy of modern sampling. We could, but we won't. Instead, take a listen to Kanye's new song "Runaway" (2010). Then (even at the risk of outing myself as an indie rock fan) take a listen to "Runaway" by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs (2009). Listen again, this time imagining a hip hop beat behind the latter track. Repeat. Post comment.



Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cheers for Cheek to Cheek Transport

5:45pm. Uptown D train.

We are uncomfortably close - faces in armpits, gym bags in crotches - and the train is not moving. The doors just keep opening and shutting, trying to disembowel the woman whose purse is keeping the monstrous metal teeth from closing. But instead, another body manages to squeeze into the train, further jostling the mass of breasts and arms and fat feet. More limbs and bags keep the doors from closing. Chomp. Chomp. Chomp.

I can block out most every subway situation. That is, until I no longer have enough personal space to even lift my book in front of my own face. With no mental escape, I suddenly notice how close we are and how silent it is. Besides the chomping of the doors and the rustling of winter coats, there were no human voices in a subway car jammed full of human beings.

Until a young man, who must have had his reading material pinned against his torso also, began to sing. Mournful and clear, he filled the car:

"Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got..."

It took a moment for the group to pinpoint the reference.

"Wouldn't you like to get away?
Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name
And they're always glad you came
You wanna be where you can see
Our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows
Your name...."

A burst of laughter from all sides. Which led to eye contact, nods, smiles, and more laughing. Incredibly, the door finally clanged shut and we began to move, as if the gods of public transportation were waiting for us to be worthy of heart before allowing us the gift of motion.

That little ditty reminded us that making our way in the world IS fucking hard, especially in the soulless wasteland of the American rat race. Even though we are constantly surrounded by other people, what we likely want more than anything is to be somewhere with people who actually know us. Who we really are, that is, and not just the contours of our ass after we ride perfectly butt to butt from Herald Square all the way to the Harlem.

Although to be fair, isn't a little nameless butt smushing why our ancestors came to this country in the first place? I am pretty sure that is in the Federalist Papers somewhere.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Woman seeking cable provider for long walks on the beach

Me: Hello! I'd like to buy some of your cable tellyvision.

Time Warner Sales Rep: Great. Are you interested in the Triple Play?

Me: Yes! I would like TNT, ESPN, and NBA TV please.

Rep: Um... I'm sorry but you have to choose one of our packages.

Me: Ok. I would like the basketball-only package.

Rep: Well the NBA league pass is $200 in addition to a monthly fee of...

Me: WHOA! How about I give you 20 bucks a month, and you can keep my tv fuzzy all day except during Celtics games?

Rep: Ma'am that is not one of our options.

Me: 30 if you let me tune in anytime Labyrinth is on.

Rep: I'm sorry but it doesn't work that way. We can offer you over 200 channels for a low rate of...

Me: How about you pay ME to let any of that housewives of kardashianville fist pumping crap into my home?!!

The Sales Rep politely hangs up.

I turn my face to the heavens and laugh in victory! That will show you, hegemonic corporate fat cats!! Take that, with your Boardwalk and your Park Place and your Luxury Tax!

But maybe I can call her back and ask what the score is?
